The research was an industrial conflict as an impediment to personnel management (A case study of ANAMMCO Emene, Enugu ). The objectives was meant to determine the extent to which industrial conflict at as impediment to personnel management. Secondly, to look into the types of industrial conflict, the effect of labour management conflict in ANAMMCO the courses of industrial conflict and industrial conflict resolution techniques. From result gathered, industrial conflicts are classified as intra-industrial conflict, inter-group conflict, line-staff conflict, role conflict , conflict of right and interest. It was also revealed that the sources of these conflicts could be as a result of differences in perception, and qualification, political causes, limited resources, communication gap/barriers inter-dependent work activity , role function and the issue of God-fathers The finding also indicate the effects of conflict as it diverts attention from organization goal attainment and creates resentment and anxiety among organization members which makes the organization unviable to function properly. It causes efficiency and coordination which can erode and destroy the bases of team work and cooperation among organization members and also a feeding of alicuation, a loss of morale and other forms of discontent which can make individual to with draw completely from organization. The significance of these findings were also indicated. In particular it has been urged that so lon

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The value added tax(VAT) came into force decree of 1993,which did not only introduce VAT also the sales tax decree of 1986. This project is to highlight more on effect of value added tax (VAT) As a source of revenue for the federal government of Nigerian. In the course of achieving this purpose, initial problems encountered in the introduction of vat and the mode of collection and administration on the federal government. Chapter one started with the general introduction and overview of the topic. It also highlighted the problems which the government sensed that VAT might not be accepted adequately, and of what impact or effect VAT return to the federal government of Nigeria. Chapter two reviews related literature covering VAT administration, registration, office, theories and models, current literature based on each of the relevant variable of the model and summary of the chapter. Chapter three covered the finding, discussion of the theoretical frame work and methodology introduction, ration ate, for choice of variable, ditch selection and analysis etc. Chapter four covers the s presentation and analysis of data, classification and calculation and the interpretation of the results. Finally, a further research suggestion that needs to be conducted which are the impact of anti-corruption act on the effective implementation of VAT decree and the co-operative analysis of VAT and other forms of tax were also stated. Then the summary of every thing that

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The effect of global financial crisis on foreign direct investment in Nigeria with Nigerian Banking sector as the a case study has been chosen to examine the significance of global credit crunch on the Nigerian banks. It is a very important issue because the world as a global village has made events in one part have direct or indirect impact on other part of the world especially when it concerns politic and economy. The general overview of the study introduced the topic and covers problems in the Nigerian financial system as a result of the financial meltdown, limitations of the study and area covered is also discussed. The literature review covers issues such as events in the global financial system and the Nigerian financial system as the financial meltdown affects it. The research methods used sources of data used were discussed. Data presentation and analysis including test of hypothesis were discussed. Finally, the lost chapter contains the summary of the work, conclusion and recommendations.

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This research is on the income and expenditure pattern among the student of IMT, Enugu which is the case study. It is made up of five chapters, each of the chapters dealt with a particular aspect of the research work. The research work aimed at identifying the sources of income open to students in the higher institutions of learning and universities as well as also how they spend this money given to them. Four research questions were set, the instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire containing 13 questions relating to the study. The sample size used was determined by the yaro yamenic (1964:280) formula as such 40 persons were used. These persons were students who live in the hostels. Responses from the respondents were presented in able and analyzed using simply percentage method with a hypothesis presented using the chi-square method. Findings on research on the research showed that the greatest problem students have in income adjustment is that the emulate others whose income are not the same. Secondarily, they do not significantly adjust well to their expenditure pattern in schools. Finally, some recommendation and suggestion in some areas for further research were made. Among these recommendations area: i. That student should refrains from band wagonism. ii. They should form an expenditure pattern as a guide to their expenditure exercise. iii. Should not go to extreme when they

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One of the most commonly discussed issues in economics is on how taxes as means of fiscal policy at stabilizing the general economy relate to economic growth of developing countries such as Nigeria. A lot of studies have tend to yield an audience of the relationship between taxation and economic. Some of the studies have rather yielded results that have established negative effects of taxes on economic growth. Taxes as means of fiscal policy raises the cost or lower the return to the taxed activity (Juliana, Mustaffa and Zulkifli, 2012). Income taxes create a disincentive to earning taxable income. Individuals and firm have an incentive to engage in activities that minimize their tax burden. As they substitute activities that are taxes at a cover rate for activities taxed at a higher rate, individuals and firms will engage in less productive activity, leading to lower rates of economic growth (Juliana Mustaffa and Zlukifli, 2012). Economic growth is the basis of increased prosperity. Investments in new capital such as (human and physical) the implementation of new production techniques and the introduction of new products are the fundamentals of the growth process. Though its effect on the return to investment or the expected profitability of research and development, taxation can affect what choices are made and ultimately the rate of growth. Taxation is necessary simply because it would neither be feasible nor desirable to finance government solely by charges on services (

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This study helps the reader to understand the pertinence of the of the study and to appreciate its importance to education. The researcher having observed that cash flow as its name suggest it is movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold. Therefore, cash flow management was developed in early part of the century, it was considered primarily as part of economics. Cash flow management system involves the system of cash flow statements, which on January 1st 1998; the Nigeria Accounting Standard Board (NASB) issued Statement of Accounting Standard (SAS NO 18). A statement of cash flow presents cash flows according to the activities, which gave use to them. This statement of cash flow includes all cash inflows and outflows of the firm. It should however exclude cash flows arising from the purchase and liquidation of cash equivalents. However, the following are the need for cash flow information. Financial statements usually provide information to help present and potential investors, creditors and other assets to access the profitability, liquidity, financial flexibility and risk of a Supermarket.

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This research work was conducted on with special reference to the impact inventory valuation methods has on financial report statements of manufacturing companies. For a longtime now the Accounting profession has not been able to come up with any particular technique or method to be used uniformly in valuing inventory. This research work examined if the method used was as a result of the prevailing economic circumstances. A survey research design was adopted for the study; data collected were gotten from both the primary and secondary sources. An infinite population of over 3000 was used and a finite population of 220. Three hypotheses were tested at 5 percent level of significance. Tables and percentages were employed to answer the questionnaires while the statistical regression coefficient analysis and Z- test were used to test the hypotheses. It was found amongst others that the prevailing economic parameter influences the decision of choice of inventory valuation method used.

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This research study is a comparative analysis of computerized accounting system and manual accounting system with reference to Ama breweries plc. and African petroleum plc. all in Enugu state. It is a survey research. The study is a comparative evaluation of computerized accounting system and manual accounting system to ascertain which one is more effective and efficient than the other. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources which include the use of questionnaires, personal observations, text books, journals and internet. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using Z-test statistics, while questionnaires were analyzed in tabular form using simple percentage. It was discovered that software accounting system is expensive to run, software accounting system handles larger volume of data than manual accounting system and software accounting system encourages fraud, and funds can be lost in organization with the use of software accounting system. As a result of the comparison between manual accounting system and computerized accounting system, to attain a larger volume of data and work accuracy in a shorter period it is better for organizations to use computerized accounting system to increase their efficiency. Those studying accounting as a profession should be introduced to both the theoretical and practical aspect of software accounting and to reduce funds lost through frauds and forgeries managers and accountants should provide software developers with pr

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This research work was conducted on with special reference to the impact inventoryvaluation methods has on financial report statements of manufacturing companies. For a longtime now the Accounting profession has not been able to come up with any particular technique or method to be used uniformly in valuing inventory. This research work examined if the method used was as a result ofthe prevailing economic circumstances. A survey research design was adopted for the study; data collected weregotten from both the primary and secondary sources. An infinite population of over 3000 was used and a finite population of 220.

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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Introduction organisation with exception of every minute and unorganized ones, there is a process known as expenditure control or cost control which is a part of management control process. This process is very important to any organisation be it a profit maximizing organisation or non profit maximizing organisation. Thus is because lack of this practice in any organisation will cause misapplication of cash in cash disbursement process and this will create a very big problem leading the organisation into deficit and at an extreme case the organisation might fold up (ie liquidation) Many research have bee conducted in the reason for folding up of companies and organisation in which lack of expenditure control process had been found responsible. Expenditure control has been defined as the process by which managers utilizes effectively and efficiently the scarce resources in the achievement of organisational goal. At this juncture let us look at expenditure and control from a separate perspective. Expenditure: It is the total amount spent on the process of trying to achieve a particular goal. This amount spent might be regained if the goal is not achieved. Control: Is the fact of making things world in a way the is required. It is also the used by either government of official organisation to make restrictions on wages increases, immigrate credit and so on (which are all expenditure) As regards to this project topic which is a compar

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