This project work was carried out at Ireukpen-Ozalla Road Axis Ekpoma, Esan-West Local Government Area Edo State. Using seismic refraction prospecting method to examine the cause(s) of the persistent failure of the road. An ABEM TERRALOC MARK-6 Seismometer was used as the recording instrument and twelve geophones as wave detectors in series with one another. The geophones were spread at predetermined distances and the impact of a sledge hammer on a flat plate served as the source of generating seismic waves. The “SERCOM1” software was employed in the interpretation of the field result for the forward and reversed shooting respectively. From which the subsurface reveals two layers of velocities, which are 980ms-1 and 1283ms-1 for the forward shooting, 851ms-1 and 1276ms-1 for the reversed shooting respectively. The investigation also shows that at twenty three metres (23 m) from the surface of the forward shooting, clay deposit could be discovered. And even at thirteen metres (13 m) from the surface of the reversed shooting clay deposit could also be encountered. The form of road failure identified in this study is due to subsidence associated with clayey material and the delineated clayey water absorbing sections which are major geologic factors responsible for road failure in the area.
Read full post » This project work was carried out at Ireukpen-Ozalla Road Axis Ekpoma, Esan-West Local Government Area Edo State. Using seismic refraction prospecting method to examine the cause(s) of the persistent failure of the road. An ABEM TERRALOC MARK-6 Seismometer was used as the recording instrument and twelve geophones as wave detectors in series with one another. The geophones were spread at predetermined distances and the impact of a sledge hammer on a flat plate served as the source of generating seismic waves. The “SERCOM1” software was employed in the interpretation of the field result for the forward and reversed shooting respectively.
Read full post » The study of superconductors, it concept and the various theories are still a mystery in the field of Solid State Physics. Although a few theories tries to explain the working principle (i.e. how and why it works) of super-conductors scientists believed that a full acknowledgment of its energy gap;is dependence on temperature and pressure and the effect of doping may finally unlock the door to a vast acknowledge of superconductivity.
Read full post » The study of superconductors, it concept and the various theories are still a mystery in the field of Solid State Physics. Although a few theories tries to explain the working principle (i.e. how and why it works) of super-conductors scientists believed that a full acknowledgment of its energy gap;is dependence on temperature and pressure and the effect of doping may finally unlock the door to a vast acknowledge of superconductivity. This project work brings all in one piece, the various principle and theories as derived by some renowned scientist working to ensure full understanding in this area of physics. It is believed that High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) i.e. superconductors with considerable high critical temperature hold the key to the practical application of super conductors.
Read full post » Scintillation detectors have been in use since the beginning of this century for the detection of ionizing radiation. These detectors make use of the property of certain chemical compounds which emit short light pulses (scintillation) after excitation by the passage of charged particles or by photons[1]. Scintillation is characterized by the absorption spectrum, emission spectrum, and decay times;the latter range from less than 1 nsec light yield (modern fast plastic scintillators) to few tens of nsec. Because of its easy availability in large sizes, ease of handling and reasonable efficiency for gamma-rays, plastic scintillator is an ideal radiation detectors for use in monitoring systems for detecting the presence of the radioactive materials and Special Nuclear Materials (SNM)[2]. This paper describes two such systems developed indigenously using plastic scintillator detectors for detection of radioactive materials in nuclear facilities as well as in the public domain. The gamma rays emitted by SNMs and other radioactive materials forms the basis for detection. In India the monitoring requirements in the public domain makes it mandatory to have simple and compact system to meet the large requirement. Basically two types of systems i.e. a portal montor for pedestrians and a camouflaged Limb/Pole monitor have been developed, calibrated and installed at a few facilities. The paper describes the design, analysis and sensitivity of these systems.
Read full post » Geoelectrical resistivity imaging using both 2D and Vertical Electrical Sounding (1D) method was carried out in Atan , Ado/Odo Ota Local Government, Ogun State ,Nigeria using the PAS earth resistivity meter.Three profiles was carried out using both Wenner and Schlumberger array configuration. The data was interpreted using RES2DINV for 2D and computer iteration method (WinResist) for VES. Results showed that there are five major layers which described the geological structure of the study area. The resistivity values ranges between 1200Ωm to 4000Ωm,
500Ωm to 1000Ωm, 400Ωm to 800Ωm , 200Ωm to 400Ωm and 60.7 Ωm to approximately 100Ωm respectively according to the structures. VES1,VES 2, VES 3 and VES 4 apparent resistivity curve shows the different layers with their corresponding thicknesses. The study area revealed that the depth to the aquifer ranges between 130m t0 140m.
Read full post » This study was undertaken to assay the elemental concentration in some Irish potatoes and soils from farmlands in an ex-mining area at Dahwol-vwana village, Jos-south L.G.A, Plateau state, Nigeria. The total heavy metal concentrations (for Irish potato and soil samples) were obtained using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. It was observed from the soil sample concentration values gotten at the end of the AAS analysis (Pb, ranges from 0.0445-3.9343ppm;Cd, from 0.0086-0.1200ppm and Zn, from 0.0751-39.0302ppm) are higher than the concentration values obtained from control area (Pb- 0.0088ppm, Cd-0.0029ppm and Zn-0.0101ppm), but lesser than the international threshold values (EU:- Pb-300ppm, Cd-3.0ppm and Zn-300ppm. USA:- Pb-300ppm, Cd-3.0ppm and Zn-250ppm. UK:- Pb-70ppm, Cd-1.4ppm and Zn-200ppm). While that of Irish potatoes:- Pb, ranges from 0.0741-1.5042ppm;Cd, from 0.0081-0.0931ppm and Zn, from 0.1038-88.0503ppm). A modified sequential extraction procedure of Tessier et. al., (1979) was used in separating the total metal concentrations into four operationally defined fractions (exchangeable and carbonate, Fe and Mn oxides, organic matter, and residual fractions).
Read full post » Radon is one of the sources of nuclear contamination in water and the largest contributor of the total radiation received by the general public from natural radioactive sources. Human exposure to high doses of radon through inhalation as gas or ingestion in water can lead to cancer. In this present work, the activity concentrations of Radon-222 (222 Rn) were investigated from fifteen (15) water samples collected at different locations within Dutsin-Ma town, Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area, Katsina State using
Liquid Scintillation Counter. The concentrations of Radon were found to range from (11.67-152.81⁄), (0.61-172.25⁄) and (21.98-47.17⁄) with mean values of 64.66⁄, 41.15⁄and 34.57⁄for Borehole, open well and Earth-Dam respectively.
Read full post » Palm Kernel Shell and Coconut Shell were utilized for the preparation of activated Carbon (AC) by microwave assisted NaCl/CaCl2 chemical activation at microwave radiation power of 700W and radiation time of 20 minutes. The activated carbon Samples were characterized by, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-,Ray Spectroscopy, X- Ray Diffraction (XRD), moisture content, ash content and adsorption study.
The moisture content in all the samples fall within the acceptable range of less than 70%, according to Tierney et al.,2006, which indicates that the adsorption of moisture by the samples is also less. Among the activated carbon samples, sample E has the least moisture content of 6.50 % and an ash content of 3.66%, which suggests that sample E is very viable for adsorption.
Read full post » Thermal properties refer to characteristics of a material defining the substance and related to temperature dependent. The most important thing in building design is the protection of people who live and work within the environment. The research work identified some common roofing materials used for building design in Nigeria..The samples include aluminium (coated), Zinc and stone coated. The investigation was done using Ohm‟s law and Frankz Weidman principle. The thermal properties investigated were thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal resistivity and specific heat capacity. with the view of establishing their suitability as roofing materials in building design in Nigeria based on climate and weather condition of particular location. the results show that zinc has the highest thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity, and specific heat capacity and also the lowest thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity while stone coated material has the least thermal conductivity, absorptivity, and specific heat capacity and also the highest rate of thermal diffusivity, and thermal resistivity Aluminum coated is within the range of both sample, with thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal resistivity and specific heat capacity. Thus stone coated material may berecommended for roofing of building where the temperature is high and zinc may be recommended for roofing of buildings where temperature is low. For normal temperature range, Aluminium material may be recommended.
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