Once the task of the rationalists in establishing “certain knowledge” derived from reasoning seemed set, Locke’s attempt to revive empiricism was necessitated. This allowed him to introduce into the scene the concept of tabula rasa or blank slate upon which experience imprints. This in turn seemed to have established the necessary foundations for Berkeley’s immaterialism to be set so that he showed how Locke’s empiricism could lead to skepticism of the external world and eventually, immaterialism. When David Hume took the chair of the empiricist tradition, his own aim was to show how science was misinformed in their supposition that induction was the principle according to which laws of science could be derived. He sought to show the fault in the reasoning by declaring that induction was only based upon a uniformity in nature, one that is wrongly presupposed to be valid. The conclusion was that Hume became a radical skeptic for we eventually see how his position will lead to saying knowledge cannot be attained.
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This study would primarily be concerned with evaluating the work of Thomas Hobbes on his state of nature and political right not mainly concerned with raising critics or giving a different view on the emanation of the society to oppose that which he has painted like other philosophers. This work would be concerned with using a systematic method to identify the strength and weakness of his work and then the usefulness and validity of his work.
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This chapter will examine Godwin Azenabor’s view that the particular language used to report African philosophical temperament is insignificant as long as the temperament reported is acceptable. The chapter argues that what is important is the fact that one must be communicating with the audience to be address. The implication to this is that Yoruba language like every other African language including the ideas and belief of the people is thrown into relegation and a whole lot of things about the conception of reality in Yoruba language will be lost.
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The study adopted the survey research design simply because it enables the researcher to recognize the characteristics of a given population and describe them in a systematic way and also the ex-post facto research design because the researcher has no control over the explanatory variables. Furthermore, the purposive sampling technique was used to select 500 police officers in Ibadan metropolis. The study used four instruments namely the Eyesenck Tough Mindness Scale (ETMS); Buss and Perry Aggression Scale (BPAS); International Stress Management Scale (ISMS) and the Chinese Drug Involvement Scale (CDIS) to collect data from the selected police officers. The data collected were analyzed using the descriptive statistic analysis. Also, the Pearson correlation analysis and the analysis of variance were used to test the stated hypotheses at 5% significance level.
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Most students in our secondary schools today are finding it difficult to concentrate and do well in their studies and because of this, academic achievement becomes a problem. Many of the academic problems students face is fueled by poor nutrition and lack of proper eating habit. Academic performance is measured through continuous assessments and examinations. Academic performance can be seen as a problem when students are not able to reach the short-term or long-term goals in their education. When students do not perform well in school, it can be seen to be that the students did not study hard for the examination or test and also can be caused by poor concentration in school, poor memory, poor ability to follow through topics and also poor coordination in class.
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Birth, marriage and death are the standard trio of key events in most people’s live. But out of these three events; ‘marriage’ is a matter of choice. The right to exercise that choice was identified as a principle of law starting from the Roman era and has been established in the international human right instruments. Yet, many girls enter into marriage without any choice of exercising their right to choose. Most of them are forced into marriage at their early or tender age. Others are simply too young to make a matured decision about their marriage partner or about the consequences of marriages itself. They may have given what passes for ‘counsel’ in the eyes of the law, but in reality, consent to their binding union has been made by other on their behalf (Bunting, 2012).
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It is believed that this study will be of immense benefits to students, clinicians, psychologists, sociologists, medical practitioners and future researchers. The study through its findings will adequately improve the mental capability, cognitive development and psychological wellbeing of the students which will further lead to improvement in all facets of their life.
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Drug abuse, equally known as substance abuse, is the use of a substance usually for non-medical purposes which pose physical, emotional, social and mental threats to the users. Drug abuse penetrates across every phases of humanity, but more pervasive among adolescents and middle-aged youths. The study examines the effects of drug abuse on senior secondary school attitudes towards learning in Ikenne Local Government Area of Ogun State. The study adopted the two-stage sampling technique in which 120 respondents were randomly selected from four secondary schools in the study area. A well-constructed questionnaire was developed to generate data for the study via its administration to the respondents. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistic analysis and the Pearson product moment of correlation was employed to test the hypothesis.
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The teachers will equally benefits from this study as it will help them what is expected from them in terms of morality, sanity and good ethical behaviours, as the students sees them as role-models. The study will help schools to produce disciplined students who will be useful to the nation because experience has showed that disciplined students perform academically and better than the undisciplined counterparts.
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From the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report a public workshop the FDA held on October 13 and 14, 2015, regarding Physiological Closed-Loop Controlled Devices. The material they are reporting on is derived from the white paper they prepared for this workshop.2 This event was widely attended by various organizations, including the American Society of Anesthesiologist, the Department of Defense Office of Naval Research, academia, industry representatives, and the FDA. The significance of this event was that closed-loop systems used in anesthesia and the critical care setting are an emerging technology that impacts the future of anesthesia practice. The article summarizes regulatory considerations for closed-loop critical care devices for readers in the areas of critical care medicine, anesthesiology, systems engineering, physiological modeling, and human factors. As an executive editor of Anesthesia & Analgesia since 2012, I am honored that the FDA decided to submit this very important article to our Journal. Anesthesia & Analgesia is the official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), whose mission statement is “to encourage, stimulate, and fund ongoing anesthesia-related research projects that will enhance and advance the specialty, and to disseminate current, state-of-the art, basic and clinical research data in all areas of clinical anesthesia, including perioperative medicine, critical care, and pain management. The IARS is focused solely on
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