Nut crops such as walnut (juglas Nigra) and pecans (carya
illinoenosis) have potential for small parts of Virginia. Growing and
handling are specialized, and while marketing is hands oriented, demand
can be good For fresh high quality nuts used both for eating out of
hands and for cooking purposes (Carlson Jones 1940) there are many
different edible net species found and gathered in the wild such as
hickory (Shell Dark – Shag Dark, Carya sp) chest nut (Juglan Cineralal)
is another once plentiful native nut but because of chest nut Blight
Diseases, it is now a rare found in the woods (Cornel Disnmic Johnson
English walnut also called (Carpathan Peisan Walnut, Juglaus regia) almond (
prunus amygida cus ) and nazdnut (corylvs avellena) represent
significant activated and nut production, yet they are limited to
specific adaptive areas. California the leading producer of English
walnut as well as almonds, while Oregon growers produce 95% of all
hazel/nuts (lmore in 1977). In the east, hazelnut are also retrend to
as fiibrerts and there are several wild species found with a slumbly
habits of growth. Nut production on Eastern filberts is variable and
highly affected by weather conditions in the winter typically flowers
(cat kins) open in late winter to yearly spring and thought frost
tolerant, they can be damaged by hand freezing weather (Hamel,
Dictoskey 1975)
Commercially sputhern pecan (also known as paper sheel type) is
the most important nut crop for the Eastern US, followed by wild
gathered natives black walnuts the pecan industry is centered in the
south and south easts, with Creogia a leading state and in the Sothern
plans, many acres are raised in Texas and okahlahoma and even as
tarwest as new Mexico (Harloro , , Harrar, Harden white 1996) variety
development for southern Pecans has been extensive and they are renow
for their large size and very thin shells however as a starting
points, good site selection is imperative for success one must have an
understanding of the frost potential and season growing length as
related to the flowering and fruiting characteristics of the chosen
variety. (Moerman 1998) Native black walnut are found in most part of
the state there are a number of improved black walnut varieties
selection from the wild and from limited breeding programes. In
general, timber characteristics (fester growth) has been the focus of
these programs dual use potential for black walnut varieties for timber
and as a high quality net crop is an important characteristics.
There are several outstanding black walnut varieties known for
their nut qualities, including sparrow’s Emma Rupert “Hay” and Lawik
corp the latter is often used as an Purdue University have developed a
lene of black walnut known for their faster growth for timber purpose as
predictable nut bearing habits (Carlson Jones 1940). The Northern
pecan is a native of the olio, Wabash and upper Mississippi inver
basins and in recent years a number of outstanding selection have been
made from the world, this Northern pecan is know for its high ,quality
nut meats houch has more oil content and better flavor than the
southern types, they do however have been much smaller units in
comparison (country man et al 1985) while Native (Southern) pecan are
not as common in Nigeria as in the Midwest may find adaptability in many
parts of the states, including middle and southern Premont regions,
Northern pecans are noted for their cold hardness, later flowering to
avoid frost, and reduced nut maturely periods as compound to the
southern pecan (Chenoweth 1995 black walnut) the Northern pecan
selection have fair to good nut size (through at best 50 – 60% of the
southern pecan). In addition the widow for grafting is narrow, and the
propagator needs to have on hand the scion (top) wood of the selected
variety colour the sap begins to flow. Recently several keger nurseries
have begun wider propagation of northern pecan and black walnut and
certain named varieties are now available as poilted and pre grafter
tries. (Fowels 1965) The objective of the work was to evaluate the
chemical composition of walnut (C)
2.1 Harvesting
It is important to harvest the nut before the squirrels
get them (Dana,. Lener 1994) the Nut are generally harvested after the
first frost, the smooth, green endosing the nut turns blAck with time.
Care has to be taken while rubbing off the hull because the residues
are stain. (Gilmore 1997) the husk residues are than removed by rising
the nut or by agitating the nut in a container of water, the nut are
then kept dry and stored in mesh bags in a cool place the oil in the nut
turns rancid if the nuts are not stored in a cool place. (Great
plainness flora association 1986).
Nut are hulled, bagged and sold to processors who clean
the outside and dry the nut to extract moisture specification (Haniel
Chiltosky 1975) processors are used to crack the shell by running the
nuts between large stell wheels the nutmeats are separated from the
shells by passing the cracked shells through another series of wollers
with saw teeth the nut pieces are then graded, sterilized, boxed sea
ledi and made ready fro transport (Thomas and schumann 1993)
2.2 Nutritional Profile
Walnut are an excellent source of anti inflammatory omega
– 3 essential fatty acids, in the form of alpha – linoleni acid (ALA)
(Harlow, Harrar 1996) walnut are also rich in antioxidantss including
being source of copper, many other minerals are provided by walnuts in
valuable amounts, these minerals include calcium, chromium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium vanadium and zinc (Hart J
Cummings Carlson 1997). Vitamins BG while not especially concentrated
in walnuts, may be more bio available in the food. In items of .phy to
nutrients, walnut contain omit oxidant and anti inflammatory compounds
including more than a dozen phenolic acids numerous tannis (especially
ellagistamins including tellima gradins) and a wide variety of
falconoids the vitmin E composition of walnuts is also of special
mention, since there is an unusual concentration of the gamma to
copherol form of vitamin E in this tree nut (Johnston Tim 2000)
2.3 In Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrient high lengthened in our
ratings, chart, an in depth nutritional profile for walnut is also
available (Moerman 1999) this profile includes information a full
array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and
insoluable fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids
and more (Rydberg 1932)
2.4 Adaptation
Black walnut produces a toxin, known as ‘juglona’ which
inhvotts the growth of other plants around it, thereby reducing
competition, juglone deprives sensitive plants of energy needed for
photosynthate production the symptoms of plant being affected by
juglona include foliar yellowing, writing and eventually death the
largest sources of juglone on the tree are located in the buds, roots
and nut hulls.
2.5 Management
Black walnut is a very intolerant tree, planted in fairly
dense stands or under forest competition the tree develops a tall and
well formed, clear bole, this bole form results from the tree putting
its resources into competing for sunlight and it ideal for wood tuber
2.6 Medicinal and Non Food Uses
The walnut product have a history of medicinal uses
American Indians used inner bark tea as an emetic and lative. They
chowed the bark for toothaches the bark is still used as a dietetic in
Pakistan the husk is chewed for colic and use as a particle for
inflammation. Juglous from fronts and back of J. Nigra acts against
dematomy cosis. It was used by Greeks and Romans to cure coetaneous
mycoses. Walnut pollen is a common allergen. Ellargic acid and juglone
is being studied for use as phytoestrogen body cream and together with
Ginserg can be used for making vaginal lubricants
A strong tincture of the leaves and nuts of black walnut
has been used as a remedy in the treatment of bilious and cramp colic
the decoction has also been used as an effective vermifuge the rind of
the green fruits has been used in the treatment of ringworm, felter and
diphtheria the nut is a food source rich in manganese that is
important for nervous and cadlege.
It is important that you exercise caution who considering
using walnut products for medicinal purposes seek professional advice
before using them
2.7 History of Walnuts
While a walnut tries have been cultivated for thousands
of years the different types have varying origins the English walnut
originated in India and the regions surrounding the Caspian sea, hence
it is known as the Persian walnut in the 4th century AD, the ancient
Romans introduced the walnut into many European countries where it has
been grown since (Hodge Garrentt and J Bratton 1999)
Throughout its history the walnut tires has been tightly
revered not only does it have a life span that is several time that of
human but it uses includes food medicine, shelter, tye and lamp oil. It
is thought the walnut grown in North America gained the monices
“English walnut” since they were introduced into America via English
merchant ships Black walnut and white walnut are native to North
America (Hutchens Alma R. 1991) spastically the central Mississippi
valley and Appalachian area. They played an important role in the diet
and life style of both the Natives American Indians and the early
Colonial producers of walnut in the world (Jones J 1989) with about
236,000 metric tons produced per year the united stated is second with
about US about 90% of all walnuts are grown in California, particularly
within the sanjoaquin and sacramen to valleys the annual combined
walnut output of Iran and Turkey is approximately the same as the
United States and the Ukraine and Romania are next in the line in terms
of total walnuts productions (Jones James E. Reta Muller and J. W van
Sambeck (Eds) 1998)
2.8 Uses of Black Walnut Shell
The shell black walnut is one of the most difficult
shells to crack while this creates a challenge for processors, it also
creates market opportunities the hard sheel is an important product in
its own right.
Metal cleaning and polishing: processes eastern block
walnut shell is the perfect medium for cleaning jet engines, electronic
circuits boards ship and automobile gear system, this soft grit
abrasive is well suited for air blasting operation, de – burning, de –
scaling and polishing operations because of its elasticity and
resilience, giving great durability Eastern black walnut shell is non
toxic and dust free and it can be used on plastic, aluminum and soft
2.9 Description
Walnut are a delicious way to add extra nutritious,
flavour and crunch to a meat while harvested in December, they are
available year round and a great source of those all important omega -3
fatty acids.
It is no space surprised that the regal and delicious
walnut comes from an ornamental tree that is highly prized for its
beauty. The walnut kernel consists of two bumpy cobes that look like
abstract butterflies the lobes are off white in color and covered by a
thin, light brown skin, they are partially attached to each other the
kernels are enclosed in round or oblong shells that are brown in color
and very hard.
While there are numerous species of walnuts trees, three
of the main types of walnuts consumed are the English (or persian)
walnuts, juglans rogia: the black walnut, juglans Nigeria and the while
(bulternut) walnut, juglanscinera the English walnut is the most
popular type in the United States and features a thinner shell that is
easily broken with a nut cracker the black walnut. The black walnut has
thicker shells that are harder to crack and a much more pungent
distinctive flavour the while walnut features a sweeter and ovier taste
than the other two types although it is not as widely available and
therefore may be more difficult to find in THE market place within
these basic types of walnuts, there are dozens of different varieties
(also called cultivars). It is not uncommon to see research studies
that evaluates several dozen difront cultivars of English or black
walnuts there is a surprising amount of nutrimental variety the bottom
line is to not to get caught up in thinking that one main types of
walnut (for example English versus black) is best, but to take
advantages of the Nutritional variety offered by walnuts overall.
2.10 Establishment
Black walnut is difficult to transplant and therefore,
propagation by seed is recommended seeds should be planted in the fall
in moist, well drained, deep soil that is rich in organic matter black
walnut prefers full sun.
2.11 Management
Walnut is a very intolerant tree planted in fairly dense
stands or under forest competitions the tree develops a tall and well
formed clear bole, this bole form result from the tree putting its
resources into competing for sunlight and is ideal for wood fiber
production logs 10 inches in diameter juglone are found in virtually no
other commonly eaten foods, other phytonutirents like the tannin
tellimagrandin or the flavonol morin are also rare and valuable as
antioxid duts and anti inflammatory nutrients this anti flamatory
nutrient and antioxidant phyto nutrients also help explain prostate
cancer and breast cancer in relationship to walnut consumption
2.12 Storage of Walnut
When purchasing whole walnuts that have not been shelled
choose that feel heavy for their size their shells should not be
cracked, pierced or stained as this often times a sign of mold
development on the nutrient which renders it unsafe for human
Shelled walnut are generally available is prepackaged
containers as well as bulk tins just as with any other food that you
may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing
the walnuts are covered and that the store has a good product turnover
so as to ensure its maximal freshness weather purchasing walnuts in
bulk or in a packaged container avoid those that look rubbery or
shrived if it is possible to smell the walnuts do so in order to ensure
that they are not reduced.
Due to their high poly unsaturated fat contents, walnut
are extremely perishables are showed be taken in their storage. Shelled
walnut should be stored in an airtight containers and placed
refrigerator, where they will keep for six months or the freezer, where
they will last for last for one year. Unshelled walnuts should
preferably be stored in the refrigerator although as long as you keep
them in a cool, dry dark place they will stay fresh for up to six months
2.13 Uses
Walnut products have a history medicinal uses American
include used bark tea as an emetic and laxative, they chewed the bark
for toothaches, the bark is still used as a dentifrice in Pakistan the
husk is chowed for colic and use as a poultice for inflammation juglans
lusularis is used in Cuba as an herb decoction used in bath water for
treatment of various skin diseases of children fruit husk juice used
for ringworm juglone from fruitks and bark of J.
Nigra acts against dermatomycosis, it was used by Greeks
and Romans to cure coetaneous my coses walnut pollen is a common
allergen. Ellargic acid and juglone is being studies for use as cancer
therapy drugs the leaf extract has been used as phtytoestrogen body
cream and together with