1.1 Background of the study
construction projects become more complex in nature. The complex,relational and
lengthy process of designing and building makes construction a process in which
disputes are virtually ensured. Furthermore, the involvement of
multidisciplinary in the construction project also leads toconflicts among the
parties. It seems that conflict and disputes are inevitable to the construction
industry especially when most of construction projects are facing with so many
uncertainties. A study by Kumara swamy&Yogeswaran provided a good reference
of the common sources of construction disputes that are largely related to
contractual matters, including variation, extension of time, payment, quality
of technical specification, availability of information, administration and
management, unrealistic client expectations and determination. In other research
by (Kathleen, 2003a) highlighted conflicts may develop as a result of limited
resources such as not enough time, money, labour, materials and/or equipment.
Smithdescribes conflict and disputes as an endemic problem in the construction
industry. Conflict may difficulties communications between individuals, breaks
personal and professional relationships and reduces effectiveness. Conflict
produces tension and distracts team members from performing the task. According
to Cheung &Suen, if dispute are not properly managed, they may cause
project delays, undetermined team spirit, increase project costs and above all,
damage continuing business relationships. Thus it is not surprising that many
construction stakeholders still overwhelmingly view conflict as negative and
something to be avoided or resolved as soon as possible. However, there are
many authors have pointed out conflict is a phenomenon that may give rise not
only to functional but also dysfunctional effects on individuals, groups and
organizations. As today‘s claims and disputes keep increasing, the construction
industry struggles to find ways to equitably and economically to resolve them.
According to Shin, managing disputes should become a part of normal project
management during project operation because disputes in construction projects
are common place and the resolution need to occur immediately on the project
et alhighlighted that conflict is doubt or questioning, opposition,
incompatible behavior, controversy or antagonistic interaction and disputes is one
of the range of events considered as conflict. According to Kumaraswamy&Yogeswaran,
a dispute can be said to exist when a claim or assertion made is made by one
party is rejected by the other party and that rejection is not accepted.‖
This shows that disputes is more likely occur when the conflicting parties
shows an action or arguments to a controversy. Referring to Vorster, a dispute
is defined as an argument about an issue concerning project operations, usually
resulting from a debate over differences in two or more parties‘ understanding
of situation.This statement is supported by another statement by Deutsch that
defines conflict as incompatible activities; conflict occurs when the behavior
of one person is interfering or obstructing the actions of another. There are
perhaps as many definitions of conflict as there are occasions for its occurrence.
According to Thomas there are three themes among the definitions of conflict.
The first is that whether conflict exists or not is a perception issue. The perceived
difference may not be real but conversely if the difference is real but not
perceived there is no conflict. The second common theme is that there is
interdependence among parties (i.e. each has the potential to interfere with
the other). Third, there are issues of blockage, opposition, and scarcity.
Resources, for example, money, power and prestige, arelimited. Their scarcity
creates blocking behavior. When one party blocks the means to a goal or
interest of another, a state of conflict exists. These numerous definitions
show that scholars are looking at conflict from different angles but are there
a difference between conflict and dispute and if so, should we concern
ourselves with the difference? Some authors do not differentiate as Moore manages
to mix the two terms in the first paragraph of his Chapter 1. However, most of
previous research defines conflict and disputes shares the same definition that
is generally involves disagreement regarding interests or ideas and that was
adopted for this research. The important issue is both of the terms has historically
been viewed as undesirable, something to be avoided.
1.2 Statement of the problem
No matter how strategic you are in attempting to resolve a
difference of opinion with another person, as long as it is framed as a
conflict and viewed by at least one of you in terms of one person being
"right" and the other as "wrong" no real progress is made
in the relationship. A battle will be won, but a war will rage on. The presence
of right/wrong dynamics in a relationship indicates a power struggle and not
the process of co-creation by two equally respected partners. Whether deciding
what to have for dinner, when and how to express shared intimacy or any other
decision that affects both partners, ultimately it is the decision making
process rather than the decision itself that speaks volumes about the quality
of consciousness being expressed in the relationship.
1.3 Significance of the study
Conflict occurs
inevitably, but preparing to deal with it in a rational, positive manner can
save you from further disruption. Conflict occurs when people have different
opinions, lack respect for each other or simply misunderstand intentions.
Resolving conflict involves communicating effectively and reaching a compromise.
Ignoring dissension eventually takes its toll both mentally and physically.
Positive conflict resolution in a team results in better long-term team
paper significantly overview the conflict resolution in construction industry
which is hoped to give clearer scenario to all project teams. Conflict would
arise due to behavioral problems such as poor communication among project team,
multicultural team problem and reluctant to check for constructability, clarity
and completeness of project. Besides that, conflict also arises due to the
factors of contractual problem which includes delay interim payment from
client, client fails to respond in timely manner, application of extension of
time and improper project schedules. Other than that, contractor's quality of
work, error of pricing or costing, late instructions from architect or engineer
also considered as the factors of conflict which is due to technical problems.
This paper was hoped to be a useful reference to the project team in managing
conflicts for future construction projects.
1.4 Objectives of the study
1. To know if conflicts can be resolved
in Nigerian construction industries.
2. To ascertain the relationship
between conflict resolution and construction industries in Nigeria
1.5 Research questions
1. Can conflicts be resolved in Nigerian construction
2. What relationship exists between
conflict resolution and construction industries in Nigeria?
1.6 Research hypotheses
There is no significant relationship between conflict resolution and
construction industriesin Nigeria.
There is a significant relationship between conflict resolution and
construction industriesin Nigeria.
Conflicts cannot be resolved in Nigerian construction industries.
Conflicts can be resolved in Nigerian construction industries.
1.7 Limitations of the study
study was with constrained, some of these constraints are:
was no doubt a great limited factor for this project considering the worldwide
economic recession and the particular financial squeeze within the country. All
these combined together or bear on me.
Limit: There is also limited amount of time in the
course of investigation. This is based on the fact that the researcher will
have other task to perform, these includesassignments in the school, going for
lectures, preparation for test, examination and others to mention but a few.
Based on these the project covers
those areas that are very crucial to the problems under investigation.
1.8 Scope of the study
study is restricted to conflict resolution in Nigerian construction industries;
from project managers’ view. Julius Berger was used as the case study for this
1.9 Definition
of terms
ConflictResolution:Is the process by which two or more
parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute or debate to reach an agreement
resolving it.
Industry:The branch of manufacture and trade based on the building,
maintaining, and repairing structures.
Manager:The person in overall charge of the planning and execution of
a particular project.
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