Ethics are one of the most critical issues in business and
specifically in human resource management. The good ethical culture in
an organization will provide direction and guidance in various areas in
order to build united, harmonious and ethical seafarers’ seafarers.
However, there is no ethics guidance or standard that is absolute,
appropriate and applicable to every company. The code of ethics is a
good indicator of organization commitment in accepting the need for
ethical behaviors and implementing it (Wood, 2000).
Work ethics can be referred to as a cultural norm that advocates
people to hold accountable and responsible for the work they done based
on the belief that work has intrinsic value to the individual
(Cherington, 1980; Yankelovich & Immerwahr, 1984). A corporate code
of ethics is a statement of corporate principles, ethics, rules of
conduct, code of practice or company philosophy regarding responsibility
to seafarers, shareholders, consumers, the environment or any other
aspects of society external to the company (Langlois &
Schlegelmilch, 1990).
Seafarers’ perception of their organization’s ethical climate is
found to be related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and
organizational performance (Kim & Miller, 2008; Pettijohn, Pettijohn
& Taylor, 2008). Performance ratings by supervisor and peer is one
of the method in measuring job performance in which performance is
mostly viewed from human behavior with evaluative aspects (Newman,
Kinney & Farr, 2004). Employee’s behavior displayed at work is not
necessarily related to job specific aspects but mostly on how well
someone performs at their work (Jex, 2002). This is consistent with the
definition of work ethics where individual are accountable to the work
they done according to the acceptable ethical behavior.
In order to study work ethic within the context of Max Weber’s
original ideas, it must be disentangled from other work-related
concepts. The measure, Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP), has
seven Weber-associated dimensions: Self-Reliance, Morality/Ethics,
Leisure, Hard Work, Work Centrality, Wasted Time, and Delay of
Gratification (Miller et. al., 2001). The Self-Reliance dimension
consists of striving for independence in one’s daily work. Second is
Morality/Ethics dimension consists of believing in a just and moral
existence. Third, Leisure dimension consists of premeasure attitudes and
beliefs in the importance of no work activities. Fourth, Hard Work
dimension consists of belief in the virtues of hard work. Fifth, Work
Centrality dimension consists of belief in work for work’s sake and the
importance of work. Sixth, Wasted Time dimension consists of attitudes
and beliefs reflecting active and productive use of time. And lastly,
Delay of Gratification dimension consists of orientation toward the
future; the postponement of rewards.