This study examined the effects of digital video instruction and
PowerPoint presentation on students’ academic achievement and interest in
electoral system in government. The study employed a quasi – experimental which
involved a 2 x 2 pretest – posttest non-equivalent control group factorial
design. Two intact classes were used for the study. The population of the study
comprised of 2, 800 Senior Secondary Class Two (SS II) Students. The sample of
the study consisted of 170 senior secondary class two (SSII) government students.
Using purposive sampling technique, two co-educational public secondary schools
in Nsukka Local Government Area in Enugu State were selected for the
study. Experimental group one is made up of 22 males and 46 female
students while experimental group two is composed of 45 males and 57 female
students. Experimental group one were assigned to digital video instruction
(DVI) and PowerPoint presentation (PPPs) was assigned to experimental group two
respectively. The instruments for data collection are the government
achievement test in electoral system (GATES) and government interest inventory
in electoral system (GIIES). The instruments were validated by experts in
measurement and evaluation as well as experienced government teachers. An
internal consistency of reliability of GATES was computed and found to be 0.76
using Kuder – Richardson formula 20(K-R 20) while for GIIES, an internal
consistency reliability co-efficiency of 0.92 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha
formula. Equally validated are the digital video instructional package and
PowerPoint presentation package by experts in educational technology. Six
research questions and six hypotheses were formulated for the study. The data
collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation as well as Analysis
of Covariance (ANCOVA) which was used to test hypotheses at 0.05 significance
level. The major findings of the study amongst others are as follows:Students
taught electoral system using PowerPoint presentation performed better than
students taught with digital video instruction. The students exposed to
PowerPoint presentation (PPPs) had achievement mean scores of (x = 55.82) while
the students exposed to digital video instruction (DVI) had achievement mean
scores of (x = 49.76) in electoral system. The male students had a higher
achievement mean scores of (x = 54.48) than the female students who had
achievements mean scores of (x= 52.70) in electoral system. Students taught
electoral system using digital video instruction (DVI) had a higher interest mean
scores of (x = 97.28) than the students exposed to PowerPoint presentation
(PPPs) who had interest mean scores of (x = 97.12). The result of the study
also showed that the use of PowerPoint presentation had a significant effect on
academic achievements and interest of students in electoral system. There was
no interaction effect of instructional modes and gender on students’
achievement mean scores in electoral system as well as there was no interaction
effect of instructional modes and gender on students’ interest mean score.
These findings imply that there is need for government teachers to adopt the
use of PowerPoint presentation (PPPs) and digital video instruction (DVI) in
teaching and learning of government at the secondary school levels since they
are found to be effective in electoral system. Based on these, it was
recommended amongst others, that state government, ministries of education and
professional associations should organize conferences, seminars and workshops
to train teachers on the use of PowerPoint presentation and digital video
instructional techniques. Finally, the limitations of the study, suggestions
for further studies, summary as well as conclusions were highlighted.
Background of the Study
Government as a concept is conceived by scholars in different
perspectives. Government can be viewed as a body of persons or authority vested
with the sole authority to pilot or control the affairs of a given country for
the welfare of the governed. The study of government helps students to
understand how the society is being governed as well as enable them to know
when a country is being ruled well or not (Amadi, 2006). Dibie (2008) defined
government as an academic field of study which involves the study of political
institutions in the state. Lawrence and Murray (2009) viewed government as a
group of people that governs as well as administers public policy and exercises
executive, political and sovereign power through institutions and laws within a
state. While, Ukaegbu, Mezieobi, Ajileye, Abdulrahaman and Anyaoha (2009)
defined government as a course of study geared towards helping students to
acquire a sense of loyalty, honesty, and patriotism which ultimately inculcates
in them the spirit of nationalism, values and attitudes. In the context of this
study, Government is defined as machinery established to organize the state,
manage its affairs and administer its functions and duties for the ultimate
well being of the individuals in the society.
The importance of studying Government at the secondary school
level cannot be over-emphasized. The study of Government is an effective means
of building national loyalty and the adaptation of young ones to the system in
which they live in. It is through the study of Government that the spirit of
nationalism and patriotism are inculcated into the young ones whereby they are
taught about their civic duties and obligations to the state and the role of
the state to their security and welfare. It is also through the study of Government
that students are taught the national anthem, national pledge, national symbols
and the flag which are considered as powerful instruments for national unity
and identity (Onoguere, 2007).
As contained in the National Policy on Education, Federal Republic of Nigeria,
(FRN, 2013) the goals and aspirations of Nigeria is mainly to build a free and
democratic society, a just and egalitarian society, a united strong and
self-reliant nation, a great and dynamic economy and a land full of bright
opportunities for all citizens. In line with these goals and the need for
national consciousness and unity in a heterogeneous society like Nigeria, the
need for a subject of study that is geared towards promoting unity, national
understanding, peace and harmony among members of the society becomes
imperative. Against this background, Government was introduced as a subject to
help reduce political crisis, civil unrest, ethnic rivalries and disunity in
the country.
Furthermore, the national secondary school Government curriculum stated the
objectives of Government amongst others include:to enable students understand
the concepts, principles, institutions and processes of Governments, recognize
his roles as informed citizens as well as his contributions towards the
achievement of national development. In view of this, Government as a
discipline has a crucial and strategic place in the curriculum of secondary
schools and colleges. Considering its importance to national development and
transformation of a society, some experts are of the view that Government
should be made a compulsory school subject. Onoguere (2007) stressed that since
Government play such a strategic and important role in one’s life, it is
reasonable and appropriate that it should be taught to students effectively and
meaningfully using adequate instructional media and approaches.
Unfortunately, in most secondary schools, teaching and learning of Government
is predominantly by the use of conventional method which involves talk and
chalk verbal approach (Heafner, 2004;Martorella, 2007 Rao, 2008 &Ugadu,
2010). Rao (2008) observed that the use of conventional method in teaching
Government in secondary schools such as mere talk and chalk verbal approach
does not make Government lessons to be realistic, clear and engaging to the
students rather, it makes lessons in Government to be monotonous and dependent
on memorization of facts as well as promote rote learning. Rote learning
according to United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO, 2004) means learning by the exercise of memory only regardless of
understanding. In the context of this study, rote learning is conceived as the
memorization of the information or facts by students based on repetition without
deep understanding using the conventional method.
From the discussions above, conventional method involves the
direct delivery of lessons in Government from notebook with little discussions
and no serious effort is made to actively engage the bored minds of the
students. This usually leads to a situation whereby students complete their
lessons yet lack the requisite and coherent body of knowledge or any link to
the subject- matter Government with other social sciences. Consequently, the
students may likely graduate from secondary school without knowing how to think
critically and logically, neither could they be able to identify, explain,
analyze and evaluate issues in Government most appropriately. Therefore,
conventional method affects the students negatively due to poor attention span,
reluctance to respond to questions, underdeveloped high-level critical thinking
skills and non-interactive participation in teaching and learning process. It
is against this background, the researcher explored other approaches in
teaching and learning of electoral systems in government using digital video
instruction and PowerPoint presentation.
Digital video instruction and
PowerPoint presentation are current innovational media that can be effectively
used to enhance teaching and learning process. The acronym DVD stands for
digital versatile disc or digital video disc. They are carriers of information
between a source and a receiver and it is considered digital video instruction
DVI when it carries messages or information with instructional purposes in
order to facilitate communication and enhance learning (Smaldino, Russel,
Heinich &Molenda, 2002). Nwoji (2002) defined digital video instruction as
a multimedia system which can be used in teaching instructional contents that
requires pictures, graphics, audio and texts in which a learner is able to
interact effectively under the control of a computer. While Alfonso ( 2004) and
Newby, Donald, James and James ( 2006) viewed digital video instruction as one
of the newer brand of video medium used as an educational tool to enrich and
enhance teaching and learning. In the context of this study, digital video
instruction is conceived as the type of instruction delivered through the use
of technology such as video and software which offers students a personalized
sequence of learning experiences without live interaction with the teacher. In
other words, digital video instruction provides a self-paced instructional
platform which allows students to control the flow of instructional programmes
progressively in electoral system in government. With digital video
instruction, the learning environment becomes asynchronous. Asynchronous
learning in the context of this study means a learning environment in which
students are engaged in learning at different places and time without the
physical presence of a government teacher. Digital video instruction can be
effectively used for individualized instruction.
Consequently, the use of digital
video instruction in learning electoral systems in government at secondary
school levels cannot be over-emphasized in the sense that digital video
instruction has the capability to present learning content in electoral system
dynamically. Moreover, presenting lessons in electoral system using digital
video instruction would help students processes information in both visual and
auditory formats simultaneously thereby helping them gain deeper –
understanding in electoral system in Government. Studies on digital video
instruction by Adeosun and Ayodele (2002);Osokoya (2007) and Nkweke, Dirisu
and Umesi (2012) showed that digital video instruction had a positive impact on
students’ academic achievement in history and biology respectively.
On the other hand, PowerPoint
presentation is a flexible teaching and learning support tool that can be used
to present lessons on a particular subject – matter (Allan, 2003). Amare (2006)
also viewed PowerPoint presentation as a software educational tool used to
improve teaching and learning by presenting lessons that are structured and
interesting to the learners. Within the context of this study, PowerPoint
presentation is conceived as a teaching and learning tool that enhances and
improves teacher’s oral presentation of lessons in the classroom. With PowerPoint
presentation, learning environment becomes synchronous in the sense that a
Government teacher has to be physically present in the classroom with the
students for teaching and learning of electoral system to effectively take
place in the classroom and at the same time. Students are kept focused on the
lesson(s) being presented and the teacher at the same time maintains eye
contact with the students in the classroom using PowerPoint presentation.
Furthermore, PowerPoint
presentation improves students’ learning in the sense that they
have the opportunity to see the notes, that is, the slides and texts on the
screen and easily follow the instructions progressively to the end. Indeed,
with PowerPoint presentation, pictures, graphics, figures and texts are
remarkable and clearer when compared with conventional teaching method in which
teachers drew pictures and graphics on the chalkboard. Moreover, PowerPoint
presentation makes it possible to cover content and show pictures in less time
as well as rotate images or pictures in order to make comparisons in teaching
and learning process (Tufte, 2003). Studies on PowerPoint presentation by Amare
(2006) Michael and Silva (2007) and Naki (2011) indicated that PowerPoint
presentation had a significant impact on students’ achievement and interest
especially students with low ability levels. The Institute for the Advancement
of Research in Education (2003) asserted that students tends to learn best by
seeing, listening and drawing pictures that represent concepts and that using
PowerPoint presentation is a method for representing information visually
which can be used to illustrate concepts in electoral systems in Government.
Perhaps, if government students are offered the opportunity to learn, see and
interact with digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation they may
retain as much as 80 percent of the instructional content. Consequently, it is
expected that digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation may enhance
students’ learning in electoral systems in government as well as improve their
academic achievement and interest in electoral system.
Achievement is considered very
important in education in view of the fact that it is seen as a benchmark for
academic progress of students in the school. Most importantly, the level of a
learner’s performance as well as his or her ability in school subject(s) or
topic(s) is determined by the academic achievement. Olaitan, Ali, Eyo and
Sowande (2002) defined achievement as knowledge, skills and competences
attained by students in school subjects or topics and which is denoted by a
score. Similarly, Nurulafizan (2012) viewed achievement as to what students
have learned in terms of knowledge, skills and competence acquired in school
and which is measured through assessment such as standardized tests. In the
context of this study, achievement is conceived as the extent to which students
have performed in their formal educational goals which is commonly measured by
examination, continuous assessment test, and graduation grades. According to
Ugadu (2010) the availability of learning facilities, instructional methods as
well as instructional media coupled with the competence of the Government
teacher to deliver instruction as most desired, may affect the attainment of
students’ achievement in both internal and external examination bodies such as
The standard of the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)
and the General Certificate Examination (GCE O’ Level) meaningful
achievement in Government refers to a pass at credit level and
above. Unfortunately, the report of Chief Examiner WAEC May/June, 2013 – 2015
confirmed the abysmal performance of students in Government. The poor
performance of students in Government is reflected in WAEC May/June 2013 – 2015
(Appendix C, P. 156 ). The same trend of low achievement in Government was also
recorded in public secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area in WAEC
conducted examinations 2012 – 2015 academic sessions. The result indicated poor
percentage scores in all the secondary schools (Appendix D, P. 157). It was
identified amongst other things that students had weaknesses in wrong
interpretation of questions, illogical reasoning, poor coverage of the syllabus
and inability to explain concepts clearly.
Consequently, the
poor performance coupled with the students indentified areas of weakness could
be as a result of uninspiring methodology and inadequate use of instructional
media by Government teachers to teach electoral system effectively.
Electoral system as an aspect of Government and which also
forms part of the overall assessment in WAEC is of great interest to the
researcher. The topic needs to be really taught to students using
appropriate approaches and instructional media so as to drive home the points
to the students as well as make it possible for them to apply what they
have learnt in school to real- life situations. Against this background,
concerted efforts need to be made to prepare students adequately with a view of
improving their achievement and interest in electoral system in government.
Realizing the fact that instructional method has a significant influence
on students’ achievement, it may not be out of place to say that the present
teaching and learning of electoral system in Government using the conventional
method has not really been effective and efficient therefore, there is need to
explore whether digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation
would enhance students’ achievement and interest in electoral system in
Interest is regarded as an important factor in teaching and
learning process in the sense that it has a direct influence on students’
achievement in school subjects and/or topics. Obodo (2002), viewed
interest as the attraction which compels a child to respond to a particular
stimulus. Similarly, Harbor–Peters (2002) defined interest as a tendency to
become grossly absorbed in learning experiences and continue with it
consistently. In the context of this study, interest is conceived as the degree
of zeal or enthusiasm a learner brings to bear in a teaching and learning
process. Indeed, students tend to be active and pay more attention to what they
enjoy most and ignore or misinterpret what they are not interested in. In other
words, students retain information especially when it is consistent with their
interest and disregard information when it is in conflict with their interest.
Okoro (2002) explained that students perform better especially in those areas
they have interest and poorly in the areas they lack interest.
Studies on interest by researchers such as Ifeakor (2005)
and Ede (2005) showed that interest plays a vital role in any undertaking as it
influences one’s devotion to study, endurance and discipline. In teaching and
learning process, Government teachers should try as much as possible to create
and sustain students’ interest by using appropriate instructional approaches.
Experts are of the view that lack of students’ interest in learning some
subject(s) or topic(s) is related to instructional method and media used in the
delivery of lessons Ajah (2004);Ugadu (2010) and Michelle (2013). In view of
this, it becomes imperative to explore whether digital video instruction and
PowerPoint presentation would make any difference in students’ interest in
electoral system in Government.
In recent times, the issue of gender has been a contentious
subject issue among scholars in education. Gender shapes and influences all
aspects of an individual life in the society. Most importantly, the education a
learner receives and the social roles he or she plays in a community or
organization are all shaped by gender. Azikiwe (2002) defined the concept
gender as the characteristics of maleness and femaleness. Ike (2006) also
viewed gender as the characteristics of human classified as male or female. In
the context of this study, gender is conceived as the sex of a person or the
categorization of persons into male or female within the social structures and
institutions of a society. Gender is expressed differently in various societies
so much so that, there is no society where men and women perform equal roles.
In education, the level of vigour exerted in any meaningful activity tends to
influence achievement and this to a large extent differs between male and
female students.
Most of the studies carried out by researchers scholars with
regards to gender related differences in achievement and interest of students
appear to be conflicting and inconclusive. For example, the studies by Anie
(2007);Negedu (2008) and Abdullahi ( 2014) showed that male students had
higher achievement than female students while on the contrary, the studies by
Njuku (2004);Ajibade (2009 ) and Zudonu ( 2013) indicated that female
students did better in achievement than male students. However, Yusuf and
Afolabi (2010) and Gambari, Yusuf and Sherifat (2014) reported that there is no
gender differences in students achievement and interest in biology and
technical drawing respectively. It is against this background, the researcher
carried out this present study to find out whether there could be a better
solution which would emerge on gender differences on achievement and interest
in electoral system in government using digital video instruction and
PowerPoint presentation.
Statement of the Problem
How to make teaching and learning of electoral system in Government to be more
efficient and effective at the secondary school level has been a problem
confronting researchers. The teaching and learning of electoral system in
Government in most secondary schools has been predominantly by the use of
conventional method which is characterized by talk and chalk verbal
approach. This approach tends to be more of teacher – centered as well as
subject – matter oriented. It does not really stimulate, motivate and inspire
students to learn concepts in electoral system meaningfully, efficiently and
effectively. Obviously, the active person in the classroom becomes the teacher
whereas students are forced into passive learners in the teaching and learning
process. Moreover, with this approach, the opportunity for students to
psychologically, physically, mentally and actively involved in the teaching and
learning of electoral system would be greatly affected. This approach may have been
responsible for students’ poor achievement and interest in electoral system in
Government in SSCE.
It is against this background, that the researcher investigated whether digital
video instruction and PowerPoint presentation approaches would compel positive
change on students’ academic achievement and interest in electoral system in
government. Therefore, the problem of this study is stated thus:how effective
is the utilization of either digital video instruction (DVI) or PowerPoint presentation
(PPPs) in improving students’ academic achievement and interest in electoral
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to determine the effects of
digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation on students’ achievement
and interest in electoral system. Specifically, the study sought to:
1. Find
out the effects of digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation on
secondary school students’ achievement in electoral system.
2. Determine
the influence of gender on secondary school students’ achievement in electoral
3. Determine
the interaction effect of instructional modes and gender on students’
achievement in electoral system.
4. Find
out the effects of digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation
on secondary school student’s interest in electoral system
5. Determine
the influence of gender on secondary school students’ interest in electoral
6. Determine
the interaction effects of instructional modes and gender on secondary school
students’ interest in electoral system.
Significance of the Study
The theoretical significance is based on the fact that if found that these
theories are not in support of the findings of this study, the theories may
need to be modified however, if found to be in line with this study, the
theories may be strongly up-held. Practically, the findings of the study would
be of immense benefit to Government teachers, students, instructional
designers, curriculum experts and the society in general. The study is expected
to provide information to Government teachers on how the performance of
students in electoral system can be improved using either the digital video
instruction or PowerPoint presentation mode. It would also offer Government
teachers the opportunity of acquiring practical skills that is,
techno-pedagogical skills in the design of multimedia instructional packages
that would suit every learner’s style taking into consideration of individual
differences among students. Moreover, if the idea that using digital video instruction
or PowerPoint presentation mode would improve students’ academic achievement
and interest in electoral system, Government teachers may become more motivated
in using digital video instruction or PowerPoint presentation in teaching and
learning of electoral system at the secondary school level. Furthermore, the
use of digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation would enhance
Government teacher’s effectiveness of classroom teaching and learning
especially electoral system in Government in many flexible ways;thereby help
teachers to regularly modify and update their lessons and use them over and
over again. Through this means, Government teachers time in terms of giving out
reading materials-notes, writing on chalkboard and repeated speeches are saved
or minimized.
The students would also benefit from the findings of the study
in the sense that they will become more active participants in teaching and
learning of electoral system using digital video instruction or PowerPoint
presentation. The use of digital video instruction and PowerPoint
presentation would appeal to students’ diverse learning styles such as
auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Collaborative learning in group using
PowerPoint presentation is enhanced by involving every student in the teaching
and learning process. With digital video instruction, teaching and learning
would be highly individualized and this will enable students to go about their
learning especially in electoral system at their own pace. Most importantly,
students who are constantly absent from class could still catch-up by going
through the content in electoral system with digital video instruction (DVI).
It would also afford students the opportunity for practical and drill in
electoral system in Government using digital video instruction. Students
stand to benefit from this study in the sense that if using digital video
instruction or PowerPoint presentation improves their academic achievement and
interest in electoral system, they would be better informed and educated on
norms and values of electoral system which would help them transfer it to
real-life situations in terms of conducting elections in the schools,
institutions, community, state and national levels without resorting to
electoral violence. The use of multimedia such as digital video instruction and
PowerPoint presentation would help students to build meaningful connections
between words and pictures;they will learn more deeply and effectively in
electoral system than they could have when the lessons are being presented with
words alone. In other words, students would be disposed to process information
and/or materials from both verbal and visual channels respectively which will
help them make appropriate connections between words- based and image-based
information in electoral system in Government.
There is no doubt, that if electoral system is being taught effectively using
digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation modes, students may start
to have a positive behaviour in electoral system and even help to educate their
parents, friends and relations on the proper behaviour during elections.
Through this means, the high rate of youths involvement in electoral violence
would be drastically reduced. It will also help to improve the voters’ apathy
among the adults in Nsukka. They will begin to see election as one of the civic
responsibilities they must be involved.
The society stands to benefit from the findings of the study in
the sense that, the loss of lives and destruction of properties, killing of
political opponents, political thuggery, diverting of electoral materials,
snatching of ballot boxes and papers as a result of election violence will
become a thing of the past. The money which will be used in organizing a re-run
elections as a result of election violence will be channeled into meaningful
developmental projects like establishing industries where the unemployed youths
will be meaningfully employed. Indeed, the society will experience a tremendous
social, economic, cultural and religious harmony and growth in all dimensions.
Foreign investors will have the confidence in investing their resources in the
economy of the country. Consequently, in a situation where there is relatively
hitch- free electoral violence, there will be peace;harmony, unity, and stable
democracy which would ultimately help actualize the dream of an ideal society-
Scope of the Study
The study is primarily concerned with finding out the effects of
digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation modes on students’
academic achievement and interest in electoral system. The content coverage is
electoral systems which include:elections;types of electoral systems,
organization of elections and electoral commission. These topics are contained
in the senior secondary school class two (SS11) Government Curriculum. The choice of electoral system is based on the fact that it is an aspect of
Government which forms part of the overall assessment of candidates
in WAEC. Electoral system is considered as very crucial both in
individual lives and to national issues. The study was limited to two
co-educational public secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area in
Enugu State. Furthermore, the senior secondary school class two (SSII) students
were chosen for this study based on the following reasons. Firstly, they have
registered for Government as a subject in the school, secondly, they have been
exposed to some basic concepts in Government;thirdly, they do not have any
external examination for which they are preparing for and so, it is expected
that they will pay full attention as well as participate actively in the
In this study, six research questions are formulated which guided the study.
They include the following:
1. What
are the mean achievement scores of students taught electoral system using
digital video instruction and those taught using PowerPoint presentation?
2. What is
the influence of gender on secondary school students’ achievement in electoral
3. What is
the interaction effect of instructional modes and gender on student’s
achievement in electoral system?
4. What is
the mean interest score of students taught electoral system using digital video
instruction and those taught using PowerPoint presentation?
5. What is
the influence of gender on the mean interest score of secondary school students
in electoral system?
6. What is
the interaction effect of instructional modes and gender on students’ interest
in electoral system?
Based on the research questions posed, the following null
hypotheses are formulated to guide the study and were tested at 0.05 levels of
HO1: There will be no significant difference in the mean
achievement scores of students exposed to digital video instruction and those
exposed to PowerPoint presentation.
HO2: There will
be no significant difference in the mean achievement score of students exposed
to digital video instruction and PowerPoint presentation according to gender.
HO3: The
interaction effects of modes of instruction and gender is not statistically
significant in achievement of secondary school students in electoral system.
HO4: The
interest scores of students exposed to digital video instruction and those
exposed to PowerPoint presentation will not differ significantly in electoral
HO5: The
interest scores of students exposed to digital video instruction and PowerPoint
presentation will not differ significantly according to gender
HO6: The
interaction effect of modes of instruction and gender is not statistically
significant in interest of secondary school students in electoral system.